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The Roots

Henry David Thoreau once said: "How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live."


For the longest while, I've always wanted to start up my own blog but never plucked enough courage to do it. It became one of those "someday, somehow I'll do it" type things. The funny thing is "someday" can turn into non-existent actions and remnants of broken promises waiting for the next revival come New Years Eve. I'm willing to shorten that list. Starting with this blog.


I write about my thoughts, curious musings about life, current events/topics, poetry, photography, culture and music.


I founded shewhowrites a lifestyle and writing blog to give others a taste of what goes rampant in my mind. The confessions of your atypical millennial just trying to get through. I'm usually caught having my head in a really good book, scrambling down bits of poetry, grooving to some good 90's tunes and messing around with my camera.




This is shewhowrites










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